Changing mowing to save wildlife
Am eich gwybodaeth
Iddyn Nhw
Amcan yr ymgyrch ‘Iddyn Nhw’ yw codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd a’r bobl sy’n gyfrifol am dorri porfa, am fanteision torri porfa’n llai aml. Rydyn ni wedi creu pecyn o adnoddau sy’n cynnwys ffeiliau PDF, JPG a PNG i chi eu defnyddio ac i ychwanegu’ch logos a’ch manylion cyswllt atynt.
Pecyn Cymorth i Randdeiliaid: Plîs gwelwch atodwyd.
Adnoddau: Published Assets (
Mae’r pecyn yn cynnwys negeseuon posibl ar gyfer y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. A fyddech cystal â rhannu negeseuon â’ch rhwydweithiau ac ar eich sianeli cyfathrebu.
Diolch yn fawr i bawb sydd wedi’n helpu i gynhyrchu’r deunyddiau hyn ac am eu hymateb.
Hefyd, rydyn ni wrthi’n llunio llyfryn o gwestiynau cyffredin. Byddwn am i sefydliadau allu golygu’r llyfryn hwn ac ond defnyddio’r cwestiynau sy’n berthnasol iddyn nhw. Rydyn ni’n gobeithio ei gael yn barod cyn hir a byddwn yn ei anfon atoch pan fydd yn barod.
For your information
It's for Them
The ‘It’s for Them’ campaign aims to increase the awareness of the public, and people who manage grass cutting, of the benefits of mowing less. We have created a toolkit with assets as PDF files, JPG and PNG image files for you to use and add your own logos and contact details to.
Stakeholder Toolkit: Please see attached.
Assets: Published Assets (
The toolkit also includes suggested social media messages. We would be grateful if you could share messages with your networks and on your communication channels.
Thank you to everyone who helped us produce these materials and provided feedback.
We are also developing a longer frequently asked questions (FAQ) booklet. We would like organisations to be able to edit this booklet and choose the questions that are appropriate to them from a longer list of FAQs. We plan to make it available as soon as possible and will send it on when it’s ready.